Makeup Artist Courses
Make Up Artist Courses
The knowledge of makeup can be useful to a wide range of individuals, however not every person is looking to groom themselves into a professional makeup artist. There are many who are seeking to simply learn new skills that can be applied to their self-make-up. There are a vast array of styles and techniques that can be taught to both professionals and amateurs alike. The possibilities in this field are immense. It is true that anyone can learn to do make-up but to become a professional would require more erudite training and practical exposure to the profession. With time and practice, any newbie artist can improve their skills from DIY to D-I-Right. Geet Soni is among the most well-known and trending makeup educators in the UK, specializing in bridal and glamour make-up. By leveraging her 10 years in this industry she has established the Makeup by Geet Soni Academy where she introduces new and practicing artists, to the latest and the most contemporary techniques that are currently mainstream.

Who This Course is For?
Makeup artistry is not that difficult to learn with the right direction of the practice. This course seeks to improve the present skill-set of any learned cosmetologist and boost their confidence. It can be approached as both a refresher as well as an advanced course which not only bridges the gap within basic training but also goes on to teaching progressive new styles and techniques, for example, mehndi training courses which are in tangent with current trends in the industry. For students who are eager to expand their training and mature into a professional, this is the ideal beginner make-up course for them.
What Can You Expect from this Course?
Beginning makeup artists must be able to achieve a broad spectrum of skills and build up a working knowledge of fundamental techniques like matching the color with the foundation, applying false eyelashes, drawing smoky eyes or doing a complete bridal session. All beginner makeup artists start their journey by adding bridal makeup to their portfolio. Geet Soni has spent years perfecting her skills in doing bridals and has structured the perfect course to strengthen a student’s current capabilities that would soon open doors to new opportunities. This paves the way for them to transition into the glamour and fashion industry, taking on more exciting projects like celebrity photo shoots, backstage fashion shows, ad shoots and even attending to TV personalities. With Geet Soni’s guidance and assistance, over 150 students have moved on into the industry and are on their way to being included among the best makeup artists in the present industry.
Our Course Curriculum
The progress of the course curriculum can vary depending on the availability of the students. All study materials and tools are made available at the academy. The lessons that are taught will be scheduled in the following chronological order;
- Rules, Hygiene and Trolley Set Up
- Cleansing and Toning
- The Rules and Importance of Skin Analysis
- Skin Preparation
- Introduction to the Tools of the Trade
- The Foundation; Bases, Colors, Application and Blending.
- Natural
- Classic
- Ceremonial
- Glamour
- Beautiful Eyes
- Shadows
- Liners
- Lashes
- Eyebrows
- Lustrous Lips
- Priming and Conditioning
- Defining Shapes and Outlines
- Application and Maintenance
- Finishing Touches
- Blushers
- Powders
- Highlighters
- The Make-up Trial
- The Mehndi Day
- The Registry
- Full Demonstration of Bridal Look on Live Models.
- Professional Images for Advertisement Purposes.
- Certificate Distribution.